Talking about the project

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Martin McKee

Martin McKee

Martin McKee talks about major challenges for CVD prevention and treatment

Vladimir Shkolnikov

Vladimir Shkolnikov

Vladimir Shkolnikov talks about the use of existing data in reseacrh

Martin McKee

Martin McKee

Martin McKee talks about how healthcare policymakers could use the study results

Sofia Malyutina

Sofia Malyutina

Sofia Malyutina talks about CVD risk factors and their importance for research

David Leon

David Leon

David Leon talking about the importance of collaboration

David Leon

David Leon

David Leon talking about the main research question

Sameline Grimsgaard

Sameline Grimsgaard

Sameline Grimsgaard talks about the Heart to Heart study in Norway

David Leon

David Leon

David Leon talking about the importance of teamwork

Martin McKee

Martin McKee

Martin McKee talks about the insights from the research so far

David Leon

David Leon

David Leon talking about the use of data in the future

Martin McKee

Martin McKee

Martin McKee talks about prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease in Russia

Martin McKee

Martin McKee

Martin McKee talks about investigating the Russian healthcare system

David Leon

David Leon

David Leon talking about the background and history of the project

David Leon

David Leon

David Leon talking about the reasons for staring the project

David Leon

David Leon

David Leon talking about the outcomes of the project

Per Magnus

Per Magnus

Per Magnus talks about the validity of causes of death