Ernest DiezBenavente


Project Roles:  Team Member  | 

Ernest Diez Benavente,


Research Assistant, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Mr Ernest Diez Benavente’s main responsibilities are related to the data collection, quality control and management throughout the different project subdivisions. Mostly involved in the collection of data for the cross-sectional study in Arkhanglesk and Novosibirsk, he has been involved in the development of the software to capture and manage the data, as well as generated software pipelines to help asses the quality of the data on “real-time” throughout the period of the study. Furthermore, he has also been involved in the establishment of bioinformatics pipelines to study and characterize microbiome data obtained from the patient stool samples with the aim to assess whether the participants microbiome could have an impact as a cardiovascular disease risk factor.

Link to the main professional profile: